Preferences Window

Pre-compression Page

The Pre-compression page contains preferences for compressing files in advance, so that they can be transferred without having to be compressed first. This reduces the load on the server during busy times and makes it possible to schedule compression during times that the server is not busy.

Precompression is the process of compressing the original files in the selected folders. The compressed versions of the original files are always placed into a subfolder called ~Compressed Files. When the original file is requested from the server, the pre-compressed file is made available in its place, saving the time it would normally take to compress the file.

Precompressed files can be updated easily, by replacing the file with a newer version. The next time SpeedShare Pro Server scans, it will automatically re-compress the newer file, replacing the older version.

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Check this box to precompress files in the selected folders.

Check this box to precompress files during a particular time of the day.

Setting the time

Click the digits to set the times when precompression is active. Use the up and down arrows or keys on the keyboard to set the time.

Precompression will be active every day between the times shown.

Check this box to delete original files once they are compressed. This saves space on your hard disk. When this box is checked, a placeholder file is used to replace the original file.

Do not move or delete the placeholder file without also moving or deleting the associated compressed file (found in the ~Compressed Files folder).

It may be easier to use SpeedShare Client to manipulate these files, because it automatically moves or deletes both the original file and its compressed version.

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